Posting experiment, interim title, now modifying it

Testing Discourse behaviour.

After entering the content, it’s certainly possible to change the title before hitting the Create Topic button.

And it’s always possible for the OP or a mod to modify the title and category later.

I will also point out that only the category needs to be entered before you can edit the body. Title is not necessary.

Yep, the pencil on the right does the trick. I see no problems.

It is always possible that users fail to understand the purpose of the pencil or spend the time hovering a mouse over the icon to be able to read the instruction.

It is also possible that users have not read the forum user guide:

This is also available in the New Members Information in the FAQ.

And for those who have never noticed the FAQ: Inside the black stripe at the top of every forum page.

That’s 99% likely. I never saw it either. It seems to be hidden in the “meta” category, where no one goes. And most people don’t even chack the “Catagories”, but just enter a search term.
It’s the best hidden document ever.

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