An idea came from the back of my mind and into full focus tonight; lets see if it has as many holes as Swiss Cheese. Over the years I have had more than average programming experience, but I’m not an expert by any means. It was important to me that this idea seemed to have reasonably little coding effort for the benefit it would have to users.
In a design of mine there are 5 identical circuits. In working through the process in Escheema I created one of the designs in a hierarchical sheet. Then a text editor was used to create the 4 additional sheets (this is a simplification as there were issues with keeping the timestamps and RefDes in order).
The design requires the same mechanical spacing of the devices for all 5 identical circuits.
I propose the idea:
- That any number of duplicate hierarchical sheets can be created by the software.
- That some way of creating a circuit “zone like” layout of the devices in the original sheet in Escheema to be created in PcbNew.
- The “circuit-zone” can be duplicated upon completion.
- Any one “circuit-zone” can be individually moved as needed.
All feedback is welcome; especially negative-feedback as I don’t want to generate a Feature Request full of potential problems.