Populating my PCB

I completed my prototype board and it is working well. Now I need to populate three more boards. I was considering using a CAD program with both sides of the board on the screen. On each different layer, I would highlight the components needed allowing me to methodically populate my PCBs. Is there something in KICAD that would do something similar? My method may not be the best approach but I was asking to see if KiCAD provided a better approach. Thanks.

There is a cool extension for that: Interactive Html Bom Plugin for KiCad 5.0


It looks like everything I wanted and more. Thanks, I will give it a try.

That is freaking awsome!

I think so too. But some how when I present this to person who populate board for living, they so no interest. Still refer to the classical way - Assembly drawing, and part order with components number on them. I’m still wound why.

@OhMyKiCad, you may find interesting the tip here

KiCad have a lot of plugins (normally in Python language) free for all users. They expand the capability for price bom, assembly bom, teardrops, replicate channels, …
We developers of those plugins (and some times also of KiCad) just ask you reports about bugs and ideas to improve the tools for the community.

Are you sure your tool is a good fit for this particular request? Since when does your tool show where to place parts on the pcb side of things? I thought you only work with the schematic but interface with distributors for material and order management purposes.

Edit: Yes the ibom tool is linked in the thread you mention but its overall discussion is completely different to this here.

I help the development of the two tools (interactive bom and kicost), but I am not the idealizer of any one.
My tip is just how to use the fields for variants and how the community works, since it’s a new user.

You may delete the post if you feel that not fit here.

A bit off topic, but that Interactive HTML BOM Plugin demo features a board called the OSPx201 which says that it’s part of the Open Scope Project. I’ve tried Googling Open Scope Project and only ever get returns for the HTML BOM Plugin demo. Does anyone have any more details about the OSP???

@qu1ck, the author, may answer.

First thing that comes up with ‘the duck’. :wink:


OpenScopeProject (OSP) is just a github org that I created to put all my electronics related projects. I snagged a domain name as well, just in case I want to put together a simple website to showcase these projects later.

Name was chosen with intentionally dual meaning: Open(source) (oscillo)Scope Project and/or Project (with) Open Scope (as in broad overall goals). First meaning was coined when I started my own oscilloscope project but I expanded it later to include my other electronics projects which kinda gives the second meaning.

Now the initial oscilloscope project, which is the OSPx201 demo only exists as a semi-working prototype right now. I have shared a few pics of it on the forum.

Hardware is done (although only somewhat tested) but firmware needs a lot of development. Being software engineer by day and writing even more code for hobby by night is pretty taxing so it’s development is progress is slow. I switch it up with other electronics projects here and there just to have fun with designing and building hardware.
Oh and a good deal of my time went into developing ibom plugin which was a great decision seeing how popular it is.

TLDR: OSPx201 is not published anywhere because it’s not ready. It makes a great ibom demo though.

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When I assemble through hole boards [good for prototyping]; I first insert and solder the components that have the lowest height. I install the tallest parts last and then the tall parts do not shadow or hide any other parts to insert. Makes it hard to solder short parts with tall parts around them.
I also do all the resistors and caps first and leave the ESD sensitive parts to the last.

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