PCB Pads, & Traces gone after update to KiCad 9.0.0

All my traces and compoents are missing in the Layout view after update to Kicad 9.0.0
It was working for 2 days and I could layout. But now all traces in the PCB Viewer are gone.

If I check the PCB in the 3d Viewer everything is still there.

What I tried to recover:

  • Reopen Layout
  • Resync from Schematic.
  • Open with KiCad 8.0.0
    none of the above helped.
    Unfortuanetly I can not go back to KiCad 8.0 because if the new file format. IT feels like my work is lost.
    None of the above helped

You help is highly apreaticated. :slight_smile:
I double checked: All Layers are switched to on.

3D Viewer:

Did you check the appearances tab on the right? I don’t know how they could be accidentally switched off, but it looks like either all the copper layers were made invisible or all the footprints and traces and zones were.

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Is it possible you opened the same design in 8.0.0 (not 8.0.9) after opening it in 9.0.0?

Yes I did open in KiCad 8.0 by accident.
After that i opened in KiCad 9.0 and this mess happened
But how to get out of this again?

Delete the project’s kicad_prl (local settings) file.

There is a bug where opening the project in 8.0 after 9.0 corrupts the visibility settings (found in the Objects tab of the appearance panel). This should be fixed in 8.0.9 but if you are actually on 8.0.0 (or any older version than 8.0.9) this will happen.


Thanks… works again
deleting the file helped

Woohoo! Thank you for this tip - I was worried I lost a ton of work.

Good job you have backups/Git . . .

I just came across this bug when moving from 8 to 9.
After some checking it seems to be that in the .kicad_prl file in the “meta” section the version is being set to 3.
Changing this to 5 (as it was in the V8 version) solved the problem and my pcb opens correctly.

Just FYI. I came across the same issue a while ago: Board View Broken

And I opened an issue on GitHub: 8.0 Objects visibility lost when opening PCB in 9.0, also cannot select SMD footprints in Dim/Hide layer modes (.kicad_prl is incompatible between 8.0 and 9.0) (#19540) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab