PCB Editor Block "Drag"

In the schematic editor it’s possible to mark a block and use the “drag” function (D) (=nets/connections remains). In the PCB editor this does not seem to be available. Anyone know the reason for this?

Doesn’t select and M(ove) do exactly that?

I’ve often wanted that function too, drag a footprint and have it drag my traces with it… However, it would probably require a lot of clean up on the traces after you drag it. Probably much easier to just cut the traces out and redraw them after you move the part.

Kind of, but not really.

Drag & Move

Another software

In practice you would have to redo the traces anyway so there’s no point.

In practice you would have to redo the traces anyway so

Yes, but

so there’s no point.

Here I disagree. It depends on the workflow one is used to. Coming from Eagle I miss the ability to remain the old tracks (even if they create shorted tracks and violating the drc-constraints) after dragging multiple footprints (selections).
It’s often easier to rework the traces than to completely redo all traces.:

  • mostly not all traces are affected by drc-errors so some can stay unchanged -reduces rework-effort
  • the old tracks are a good visual indicator how to place the new tracks
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Yep, I totally agree:

" * mostly not all traces are affected by drc-errors so some can stay unchanged -reduces rework-effort

  • the old tracks are a good visual indicator how to place the new tracks"

Dragging a single footprint while keeping tracks connected is already implemented in KiCad V6.
Dragging for blocks is apparently not implemented. I can move a block, but this does not recalculate existing connections.

I agree it would be a nice extra feature to have.
A common use for this is if the initial footprint placement was too compact and you need to move a bunch of footprints to squeeze in more tracks. Dragging the block and then repairing DRC issues is probably quicker then re-doing all connections.


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