Open kicad project from Gerber files?

I made a project using kicad and then export it into Gerber zip file for manufacturing.
I can’t find my original project.
Can I open it from the Gerber files into kicad?

no, you can only view the gerber files in KiCad. Gerber files only include the layer information needed for production. No parts selection, no info about footprints, symbols or anything like that.

You can think of gerber files like an anmiated movie. You can watch it, but you can’t change the anmiations without the original files

That’s not completely accurate – nowadays Gerbers can have information about shapes, for example that a flashed shape is a pad of R1.


But that depends on how it was exported, and even then KiCad can’t remake the layout, let alone the schematic, based on that. However, the Gerbers may help, see Reverse engineering KiCad project from Gerber files.

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Didn’t know that, thank you!

TL;DR: backup often.