Not Gate Oscillator

This is the reprint date. Top centre of page 1 “October 1974”

Yes… subtle comments about unregulated supplies and a couple of references to current. The application notes must have been edited by sales and law departments.

An almost throwaway comment in the Conclusion reads: “particularly at lower frequencies”.
45 years of experience later, to me, that reads as “don’t use for high frequencies” :smiling_imp:

I modified the oscillator consisting of a double non-gate on the basis of your circuit, and the simulation failed

Old document does not mean wrong/bad document. Often quite the opposite. Basic stuff like this is seldom published today.

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The simulation does not fail.

What is the oscillator frequency you are expecting from your circuit?

What is the simulation time required to see such frequency?

Did you read the above cited document, espicially on the risks of a two stage oscillator?

I have read the document and specially adjusted the capacitor size, but the test did not work. The step time parameters were increased, and the operation time was very long, so it was easy to fail