NGSPICE auto bridging OFF in 7.0.9

I have just installed 7.0.9 on my MAC and my hybrid simulations no longer work. I see a message

Dot command ‘.probe alli’ and digital nodes are not compatible.
Evtcheck_nodes: Auto bridging is switched off but node probe_int_/clkin_xu8_1 is mixed-type.
Error: circuit not parsed.

I need help to either turn auto bridging on or to find or create my own bridges.

You may try the following:
Eeschema → Inspect → Simulator → Sim Command → Unselect “Save all Currents”

Thank you @holger. I gave that a try and the simulation runs again. Unfortunately I now have issues with the way it runs and I get some very strange results. For example sometimes it will not display data for certain points in the schematic. I will need to investigate further. At this stage I don’t know if the problems are of my own making.