NGspice Alternate Node Sequence Question

When an IC has multiple devices…
like the NE5532 has 2 OpAmp’s in the package…
OpAmp “A” and OpAmp “B”

For Device “A”
The model text file defines the pins as …
1 - Non-Inverting Input
2 - Inverting Input
3 - Positiev Power Supply
4 - Negative Power Supply
5 - Output

The Kicad NE5532 device “A” shows the pins as …

3 - Non-Inverting Input
2 - Inverting Input
8 - Positiev Power Supply
4 - Negative Power Supply
1 - Output

So for the Alternate Node sequence this works …
3 2 8 4 1

Now the Question:
The Kicad NE5532 device “B” only shows 3 pins…
5 - Non-inverting Input
6 - Inverting Input
7 - Output

So what do I enter into the Alternate Node Squence field for device “B”?
… since the NE5532 model file shows 5 pins including the 2 power supply pins…
which are not present on the Kicad NE5532 “B” part

Thanks for any help.

Here’s the “canonical” tutorial for NGspice + KiCad:

At the very bottom of that tutorial is a section on making multiple units from a single unit model. The trick is you have to make a new model file with multiple instances of the original (manufacturer provided) model. When you do it yourself, you get to set all the pins correctly the first time.