Net Inspector Location

I’ve updated my version of Kicad to 8.99.0-1921-g937854c577, release build.

The net inspector on the previous versions I’ve used was found under ‘inspect’ in the top bar. But now I can’t find it at all, I do see the new ‘Show Board Statistics’ which will be super helpful as well.

Does anyone know if there is a toggle I’m missing to see this or if has moved and I just can’t find it?

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In v8 the Net Inspector can be opened from here:


You can try if it works in 8.99.

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Looks like it changed from an inspection tool to a (dockable) window.
PCB Editor / View / Show Net Inspector

It does not have a hotkey by default, but you can assign a hotkey to it if you wish.

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Awesome, thanks so much this was what I needed.

If you use 8.99, Post-V8 New Features and Development News - #13 by craftyjon is worth following.

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What you are using is not a Released build, not even a Release candidate . . . it’s a testing build . . .

Builds of the KiCad source code on a daily basis. These are intended for willing testers but bugs are to be expected.

You can’t easily take a project made in 8.99 and go back to Version 8.0.x . . . just wanted to make sure you were aware of this.


It is also not possible to update to 8.99, only continually update to a newer 8.99.
8.99 is a nightly build. You can have it as well as a release build.

Broken in general, or broken for the net inspector panel?

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I went back to examined it closer, and now it works. I can assign a new hotkey now.

I think I was just attempting to do this in the wrong way, and I have deleted the remark from my previous post.

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Thanks for the info! Yes, I downloaded to see if it would be viable for me to update projects to that version but decided not to.

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