Where can I find a good model for the 74HC04 inverter?
After searching for 30+ minutes I found this Spice Model site…
with the file lib.zip unzipped It has a file 74HC.lib with a number of 74HC parts…
including the 74HC04 inverter… with the Model shown below…
* Inverter gate
* tpd 25n/9n/7n
* tr 19n/7n/6n
.SUBCKT 74HC04 A Y VCC VGND vcc1={vcc} speed1={speed} tripdt1={tripdt}
.param td1=1e-9*(9-3-3)*4.0/({vcc1}-0.5)*{speed1}
XIN A Ai VCC VGND 74HC_IN_1 vcc2={vcc1} speed2={speed1} tripdt2={tripdt1}
A1 Ai 0 0 0 0 Yi 0 0 BUF tripdt={tripdt1} td={td1}
XOUT Yi Y VCC VGND 74HC_OUT_1X vcc2={vcc1} speed2={speed1} tripdt2={tripdt1}
I saved this model as 74hc04.mod in my project folder and assigned it to the device as a subckt.
But I get an error when running the simulation…
Compatibility modes selected: lt
Circuit: KiCad schematic
Too few parameters for subcircuit type “74hc04” (instance: xxu?)
Background thread stopped with timeout = 0
Error: circuit not parsed.
Thanks for any help on finding the correct model and getting it to work.