Microwave-trace deosn't remove ratsnest-connection?

Hi all,
I’m using the microwave toolbar “create line of specified length” tool to connect many output-stages to a single input stage in my design.
However after connecting the pads with the microwave-tool there still remains a white ratsnest-line between my pads, and this is also shown in the “unconnected” count at the bottom of the screen.

What’s the solution? To place something on the schematic side corresponding to the microwave-trace, and then match the schematic-REF with the footprint-REF?

just edit your microwave pad/component and assign the correct Net name
then it will be routed to the NET you have assigned

PS if you reload a net you will lose the assignment…

just edit your microwave pad/component and assign the correct Net name then it will be routed to the NET you have assigned

Where do I edit the NET of my component? If I just press E I can’t find a net setting in that dialog…

A post was split to a new topic: Do the microwave tools work at all in 4.0.7?