MicroSD component/footprint [Help]

Hello! I’m new to KiCAD and was wondering if someone could help me. I’m trying to design a microSD port and don’t know if there is a connection type in the ‘conn’ library I can use or if i need to create the component/footprint. If i need to create it a little tutorial would be appreciated. I’ve tried to download some libraries and footprints of breakout boards but they are odd file types (.brd?) Thanks for the help!

I saw the microSD in project from here Problem with net names on pads in pcbnew
If the @odinnn will not have anything against you can borrow it from his project.

Also here

Feel free, it is drawn after this part:


My uSD that works with the uSD push-push connector one usually get’s on ebay:

symbol… uSD_push-push_ebay.lib (755 Bytes)
footprint… Conn_uSDcard.kicad_mod (5.6 KB)

The “datasheet” I used (think I found that on some aliexpress page fro the product)…

Sorry, no 3D model for that one yet… :slight_smile:


@Joan_Sparky I was just going to ask… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Pin 9 pad looks a bit close to the housing ground pad

0.2 mm from edge to edge.

According to the drawing:
Pad 9 is 0.7 mm wide and it’s center 6.6 mm from the centerline.
Pad 6 in that corner is 1.2 mm wide and it’s center 7.75 mm from the centerline.

7.75 - 6.6 = 1.15
Halves of each pad are 0.35 and 0.6 mm respectively.

The space between them thus comes to:
1.15 - 0.35 - 0.6 = 0.2 mm

The board I have used this on so far came from Elecrow and their smallest pad-to-pad distance is 0.15 mm or somewhere around that afaik.
Looks close, but OK.

Here is my variant of a socket similar to the above named GCT-MEM2055-00-190-01-A.
The zip file contains the schematics symbol, the pcbnew footprint and the 3D model.

The 3D model was made from a overcomplex model downloaded from 3dcentral. I simplified it from tens of thousands of vertices to a couple thousands, that was a very hard work. I was tempted several times to drop it and start making it from scratch :slight_smile:

And here’s how it looks in a real project.


Is that normal that my posts get flagged almost instantly as spam?
I have posted a link to my MicroSD symbol, footprint and 3d model above, it’s hidden now and I don’t understand what I can do about it.
It’s not spam, I can swear :smiley:

I don’t see anything bad in the hidden post and will raise it with the moderators

I think that was because of a 3d model coming from pseudo free libraries … they can be used only for internal use, not sharable … anyway that was not me flagging so that is just a guess :slight_smile:
Ps that is why I started an open source 3D MCAD library

Derived from a license restricted source would be a valid reason, but better solved by explaining to the poster and getting their involvement in removing it

Please be very careful that your models are free to post links to here.
3DCentral restrict the reuse of their models on other websites like this

Ok, got it. Will avoid using that source in the future.
That was a good lesson to me, anyway :slight_smile: next time I’ll just draw from scratch using manufacturer docs, like I always do.


Thanks so much for all the help! One last question. Im hooking the microSD into a SPI bus on a microcontroller. Its hooked up to a 3V battery and the microcontroller runs at 1.8-3.6V. Ive seen that the SD runs at 3.3V. Can i just hook it up to the battery/microcontroller? most schematics ive seen have a voltage regulator and signal level shifter but because the battery is 5V. Sorry this is so long, hopefully this makes sense.

MicroSD cards are typically 2.7V to 3.6V operation. You have to be certain to be in that range

SD cards also need a little bit of current. Make sure you get enough power (capacitors, regulator delivery capability) to not cause brownouts/etc. at your MCU when you access the SD card.

Do you by chance have this in a .mod file?

No, only what’s up there. I started with KiCAD after they implemented the new format, so have no legacy stuff, sorry.