Micro SD card library for kicad


Could someone point me to a micro sd card library for Kicad?


you can find a micro SD card holder footprint at this nice OHL kicad project:
usbarmory project & files @ github

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Awesome. How were you able to find it? I looked on google but wasnt able to find any sdcard slot.

Hi @Roaming_Ranger,
I found that as kicad’s board in the web …
I played a bit with that nice board to test my kicad StepUp script
Here an image of the usb armory kicad 3D board converted to STEP

The conversion is useful for 3D ECAD MCAD collaboration.
You can work in kicad EDA with your board, and then export it with all assemblies to work in mechanical CAD with exactly the same objects.
The main purpose is to be able to design your board respecting mechanical constrain of the enclosure.


This is really cool . I had no idea such a thing existed

While maui’s response is a good demonstration of how 3D output is supposed to help project workflow, it only kindof answers your question.

Unfortunately, your question begs more questions. Are you looking for a schematic library part, or a pcb footprint module? If the latter, you should really draw your own based on the part’s data sheet. There is no one “standard” for any connector (unlike a DIP16). In my experience every different model is different from other models. Even if the signal pin layouts are the same, mounting tab sizes, shapes, and location relative to the signal pins vary widely.

Even if the exact footprint is out there for the specific manufacturer/model connector that you have, often it is faster to just draw it yourself than search through the internet to find the one you need. (That said, there is nothing wrong with finding one that is close and just modifying it instead of drawing from scratch…)

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Yes. But drawing it from the CAD sheets takes time and is kind of hard. Although KICAD is so popular the library support is not like eagle where almost every part has a library. That said, I do know that there are tools which convert from one form to another, but I still havent gone through this process.

Even in Eagle, usually the available libraries are only for the one overpriced part that Sparkfun sells which for things like SD holders means you’ll need to make your own if you go with any other vendor’s part.

You will get used to it, it becomes routine.
Also, who tells you that the found footprint will be accurate enough or even useable for your case?

I attached a footprint for a uSD slot from FCi (10067847) that looks pretty similar to the ebay ones I bought - use at your own risk - I wasn’t able to check it yet.Conn_uSDcard.kicad_mod (2.9 KB)