macOS Catalina Installation - redux

Greetings to all:

I last visited here about 8 months ago after experiencing … uh - some issues in an abortive installation on my mbp catalina. Just briefly, I wanted to try to learn if the issues discussed 8 months ago have been addressed. I’m not asking for a re-hash of the details or specific issues in my earlier question, only a brief summary of perhaps potentially confusing points for the mac os installation. FWIW, I’ve not upgraded my mac OS beyond Catalina (nor will I ever) as they get worse every year.

Like @Andy_P I also have KiCad running on both Catalina and on Monterey.

You seemed to have lots of problems with the library setup previously. In 6.0.2, the KiCad libraries are now bundled within the application and no longer need to be installed separately - which seemed to be your problem before. Although, not in my mind the best solution, it is a quick fix for problems users had in accessing the Application Support directory. (The downside is that the installer is now very big as it includes everything and the user has less control over where assets are stored and how they can be updated).

You really should blitz all your preferences though to make sure you have a clean install.
So check these paths and 'nix everything there before you start.

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Thanks, John. That sounds like progress to me :slight_smile: I’ll check it out soon.

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