I am having some trouble importing and using any models for an LM317 regulator. I use an existing symbol from the kicad library and map the pins to the specified model pin order, however, my simulations are not correct. Here is a picture of my circuit and trace.
What is the expected simulation output?
What KiCad version are you using?
Did you check the pin correlation between your circuit diagram and the LM317 model in use (the ‘alternate node sequence’)?
I expect the output to roughly follow the ideal output for a lm317 voltage regulator. Vout = 1.25V(1+R2/R1). In our case this comes out to 9.05 V +/- some tolerance on the reference 1.25 Volt. The first few lines of the LM317.sub file are as follows…
*LM317 TI voltage regulator - pin order: In, Adj, Out
*TI adjustable voltage regulator pkg:TO-3
.SUBCKT LM317 1 2 3 Changes my be required on this line
J1 1 3 4 JN
Q2 5 5 6 QPL .1
Q3 5 8 9 QNL .2
I set the alternate node sequence in kicad to 3,1,2 in my based on the schematic I used. I did use the same model in LTSPICE and the results are what I expected, so I am not really sure what the problem is.