I participate on several Facebook groups hoping to learn and to help others. I see common questions beginners ask for which I have gathered resources to suggest.
The second of the resources, John’s Basement, below applies to this question.
The three best KiCad tutorials I have found to date 20221121.
For a rather complete over view of a simple Schematic, PCB (and the symbol and footprint editors), start here:
Robert FeranecWhat is KiCad about? Starting with KiCad … https://youtu.be/maaBkw7IRUc
The following two are part of longer series and will each teach you things the other does not (Or else I may not have watched the full series on either)
KiCad 6 STM32 PCB Design Full Tutorial - Phil’s Lab #65 https://youtu.be/aVUqaB0IMh4
Phil’s schematics and PCB are attractive and electrically well thought out.
John’s Basement on KiCad 5 #17 Hierarchical Labels & Pins https://youtu.be/m_HTBurAJn4
This tutorial on Hierarchical (multi page) schematics which (multi page) are very essential for complex is about version 5 KiCad but still works.
Design Review
To understand that there are many more requirements to keep in mind on a schematic and PCB design, I encourage you to read this design review guide.
While it is written by people using a similar professional software, Altium, the requirements it identifies are VERY much the same because they are requirements for a good schematic and PCB which is largely not specific to the software in which you do the design. I am going to guess this will introduce you to a lot of requirements which are all worth while learning.
Fabricator Requirements
If you will be fabricating PCB and assemblies from, for example, JLCPCB you need to read and understand the fabricator’s requirements.
See: PCB Manufacturing & Assembly Capabilities - JLCPCB
Getting Help
Finally, help us help you. When asking for help DO NOT make us guess.
Share the exact file with the problem. Share your entire project or a simplified version which reproduces the exact problem(s) you have.
Hope this helps.