KLC supended in march 2022, options?


Similarly to the OP in this post:

I am conflicted about what to do as the KLC is continuing to be suspended and thought to see if there is a consensus whether attempting to contribute a schematic symbol is encouraged now?

Would non conforming symbols approved now be removed in the future (as changes to the KLC make them non conforming)?

In the meantime, you could create a content library addon (different rules)…

Thank you @mgyger for making me aware. It would call for bundling symbols from a series into one content library add on, in this case ADI LT301x LDOs. Should not take too long and I would seek this for direct contribution anyway.

A concern would be that such a library still would be embarrassingly small and litter the add on space?

Hmmm I don’t think that suspended statement is too correct. It’s old and oddly not have been removed, it comes from the migration from v5 to v6 and the only focus now should be v6 symbols

I don’t think it’s accurate to say that KLC is suspended. There was a period of time where V6 had not been released yet but the libraries were not accepting V5 submissions anymore, and parts of KLC had not been updated with new symbol/footprint features in V6. Today I think KLC has been mostly updated and you’re welcome to make submissions in V6 format.

The librarians are understaffed so it may take some time to review any submissions, but I don’t think anyone would discourage you from making a submission. Looking at activity on the library repositories, there are plenty of merge requests being reviewed and accepted right now.

Thank you @marekr and @gkeeth for clarifying this. Great news.

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