Kicad v6 Library migration problem


I just installed v6 (updating from v5 on Ubuntu via the terminal) and naively set it such that I’d import the library configuration from the existing installation.

Now I have all my paths pointing to ${KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR} (instead of ${KICAD6_SYMBOL_DIR}) and the files have a .lib extension rather than .kicad_sym or .kicad_mod.

I’m aware that I can change them manually, but this is highly inconvenient as there are lots of them.

How can I do such that I change them all on one go? Perhaps there’s a file containing this table that I could edit using Vim, where a change like this would just take a few seconds?

Thanks for your help!

The working copy of the file is located at ~/.config/kicad/6.0/sym-lib-table. The default version of this file should be at /usr/share/kicad/template/sym-lib-table.

By the way: we don’t actually support importing the library configuration from a previous version. Just the other configuration settings. So, something deeper is wrong here.

Another user previously reported that upgrading via Ubuntu did not update the default file (in /usr/share) and so that file was stuck at the old 5.x version. You should check for this problem first – it was resolved by a uninstall and reinstall of kicad and its dependency packages (this file is packaged in kicad-symbols I think). If this has happened to you, then you will be the second known person to see this problem and there is definitely something up with the Ubuntu packages.

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Thank you. The workaround editing the databases directly worked.

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