I downloaded your 7z-file (PE1542_7V_2.7z) and opened in KiCad (Nightly, but in this case it should behave the same as version 7.0).
Several of the Spice model files set in the symbol properties are missing in the 7z-file. For example the ones for the diodes, zener diodes and the BCY59 and 2n3055 transistors are not present.
It seems also, that in preparing for sharing the project, it would be good to take all the necessary model files and copy them into the project folder, and then attatch them in the symbol properties from there. Thus, when the zip-file is unzipped, KiCad will search for the models in the project folder and find them there, instead of trying to search in C:\MC12\LIBRARY\ which only exists on your computer and not on the computer where the recepient of the shared project unpacks the zipped project.
These are the error messages I get for missing and not found simulation model files: