Kicad Simulation error

Hello, this is the error message I am getting on my circuit simulation of a light sensitive switch circuit. Would anyone be willing to point out what is going wrong?

Warning: there is no circuit loaded.
Command ‘remcirc’ is ignored.
Note: Compatibility modes selected: ps lt a
Error: Missing token in line 190:
Please correct the input file
Error: Missing token in line 272:
r6 net-u1– net-sw2-b
Please correct the input file
Error: not enough parameters in line
g+, mt2- mode
No circuit loaded!
Error: there aren’t any circuits loaded.

Hopefully, I can get some help from someone in the next day or two.

I wasn’t able to upload my project file because I’m a new user.

In order to “level up” on the forum, check out the FAQ for New Members here:
EDIT: totally the wrong link! here’s the right one New Member Information

Looking at your profile, I’m a little unsure why you haven’t already been automatically leveled up. Perhaps the 38 posts you read were not evenly spread across the 13 topics viewed?


I’ve noticed, on occasions, it takes some time for changes to occur to ID forum levels: maybe the the person running the software needs to pedal a little faster. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Without knowing anything about your project: the simulator (ngspice) complains about input lines like

r6 net-u1– net-sw2-b
g+, mt2- mode

All of these are not valid spice inputs. ngspice expects valid models (provided by the user) and netlists (provided by Eeschema). Otherwise the simulation will not run.

You may use a text editor searching for these lines, to detect which file is the culprit. I guess you have attached a model file which does not contain a valid spice model. More can be said only when you upload your zipped project (including all models used).

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