Kicad libs missing [how to setup local symbol/footprint libs in Windows]

The KISYSMOD is set correctly, but when I try to add in the append wizard the
‘NEXT’ button is greyed out so I cant click it, even though the correct folders are selected.

You need to select a single footprint library (legacy format) or folder (.pretty, current state of the art).

The screenshot depicts the basis folder for your footprint libs only, KiCAD doesn’t think that this qualifies :wink:

might pay to set the filter (drop down menu with ‘All supported library Formats’) to the one you want… either .pretty (=folder with .kicad_mod files) or .mod.

You can also select multiple files/folders. But if you select any folder or file that isn’t a library the button back to grayed state.

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Ah, didn’t know that. :thumbsup:

The other day I mentioned to @Andy_P that you’re pretty knowledgeable how to deal with KiCAD the GUI way :slight_smile:

Apparently I dont have any supported file types, no .mod or .pretty
Doesnt kicad come with any??
It used too.

I have only .lib and .equ and .wrl files.
Nothing else.

Didn’t you say you had your personal libs and modules up there?
I thought we are on a mission to get those linked into KiCAD… if you don’t have any then you either need to load those footprint repos from somewhere (note 1) or ask @keruseykaryu how to set up the github stuff… I don’t know how to do that as I don’t need it.

note 1)
download all .pretty folders from the official github repo and run them locally is an option here… but you can also (@keruseykaryu knows how to) set up kicad to do that for you… really your choice.

I tried the wizard for the github repos, kicad says they are all invalid

Ok, I can only show you the download manually way - I have no clue how to solve the github thing.

Browse here:

There is a link for the footprint repos… download, unpack, and then do as I told you up there for a local install.

If you want to download single footprint repos follow the github link on that website, go back one branch in the KiCAD tree there and you will land here:

Chose any of the .pretty repos and download those. Should be the same content as in the tar.gz up there.

essentially the github path there ^^ should be the KIGITHUB path variable.
Problem probably are the repo names.
For solving the github problem you need to make sure that the names of the repos on github are the same as the names that you have got in the footprint repo manager list.
Your global repo list looks empty, so you would need to get a new fp-lib-table file that has those names set correctly.

This is a very very old one and it’s absolutely outdated, but should give you an idea how it is set up (I truncated it to be smaller):

This might happend. Make sure you have correct URL to the GitHub repo in Wizard.
There were a bug in one release with the protocol. ULR was http:// instead of https:// This URL is saved in KiCad user configuration in kicad_fplib_url=, and you may inherit wrong URL from one of previous (4.0 RC1, RC2) releases.

Editor=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe

Ok next silly question: where is the kicad user config file??

This is not a single file. These files are saved to %APPDATA%\kicad under Windows.

AHA! It was http not https.
Just added an ‘s’ in the append wizard and got my libs downloaded.
Just need to add it in the config file so its permanent.
Thanks for all the help guys.

Having more problems.
Now PCBNew is giving me "footprint not found error for all components when I try to read a netlist.
After finishing a schem and adding footprints in CVPCB and opening PCBNew I get nothing, so I go to
netlist button and click read current netlist after selecting the right one I get the error’s.

Error pix:

My libs paths:

Do you generate netlist from schematic before starting CvPcb (Wrong!) or after (Right way)?

I tried it both ways and still get the error’s.
At first I did before starting CVPCB.
Then I re-did it afterwards.

Back to schematic and move cursor over any resistor symbol and hit F key. Is Footprint field empty?

No it’s got the right footprint.
Besides my schem has the footprint names over the components after finishing CVPCB.

Hmmm… Permissions problem for Dropbox folder from Eeschema netlist exporter? Try to move whole project outside the Dropbox folder and try to export nets again.

Check the path in the library manager… see that the last back-slash is a slash?
This means, the back-slashes in the path are wrong… you need to edit them.
This is a common linux/windows cross running problem.

green = good, red = bad

I also strongly suggest that you reconfigure those paths to use the KISYSMOD path variable and set that one up correctly in KiCAD, as otherwise you will have to do that when you move your libs to some place else.
Only having to modify the path variable is easier instead of every entry in the fp-lib-table file either with an editor or the library manager.

See here for more info:

Holy crap do I have to change every single entry in the lib manager one by one?
Isn’t there a way to set it once and be done??