fails on Ubuntu 14.04 - python-wxgtk3.0 missing


I tried to build latest kicad on Ubuntu 14.04 using this script:

However 14.04 does not have python-wxgtk3.0 installed and it seems to be total pain to install this library.
Is there someone who has tried to build it and can tell me step by step what is preferred way to install python-wxgtk3.0 library.


Having just gone through this, all the packages you will need are in the next Ubuntu release (Utopic something… 14.10). This version isn’t out until the end of October, but the package repositories for it are already available. I had to add the utopic repositories. I don’t know how “safe” or “preferred” this method is, but by adding the utopic main, restricted, and universe repositories I was able to get KiCad to compile. Basically, the version of wxgtk3.0 in trusty is 3.0.0, and KiCad wants 3.0.1. In order to do that, the package dependencies flow all the way back to gcc.

I’m in the very same boat ! I tried installing the required packages manually, but things seemed to go south with my installation, so I just gave up. I guess I’ll wait a while until 14.10 is officially published.

I tried with 14.10 packages.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb utopic main restricted universe"
sudo apt-get update

# this might not be needed, probably installs it by itself, however this is how I did it
sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk3.0

cd ~
chmod +x
./ --install-or-update

Wait for an hour or so and it is ready.

Was strugling with it since few weeks, when Kicad dropped wxwidgets 2.8 and replaced it with 3.0.
Will try the utopic’s repo now, thank you for the tip, @andresv !

The thing is, the 14.10 is a “short” release, the 14.04 is the only LTS (long term support) in the 14 line. I hope the repositories for the trusty will one day include the updated wxwidgets package…

Well, !i was able to build it finally, it worked fine!

One caveat emptor: if you let the utopic repositories active after the wxWidgets 3.0 installation, the next time the Ubuntu Software Updater runs, it will detect and propose to pull something like 1Gig of updated packages, effectively making your 14.04 upgraded to 14.10.

Any hints for a 12.04 LTS user? I’m facing the same problem.

No idea how to make this work on 12.04, sorry…

On the bright side, it seems like the developers are working on the autobuilder server right now, creating publicly available daily packages, so we wouldn’t have to build from sources anymore. And the new stable release is being prepared too.

I knew nothing about the autobuilder server but this would solve all the issues associated with the building from sources. Where I can find more information about this work?

Developer’s list is here:
A lot of the subjects are more advanced than what I could comfortably understand, but a lot of useful information can be found there too.

Instead of adding repos from uptopic directly it would be better to add the backport from this PPA,

Alternatively use the PPA with daily builds:

I also had a lot of issues trying to use the script.

The main problem seemed to be related with a missing library related to wxgtk3.0. Too much effort just to install, I want to spend my time making pcb’s not compiling programs.

I gave up in the end, and have installed using apt-get as suggested by Nickoe and used the ppa repository linked to above.

Heres hoping!