Kicad install from script under Ubuntu 14.04LTS

Well I thought I would give Ubuntu another go and try out the new features of Kicad. After watching the CE video on installing Kicad I thought I would give it a go.
Everything was going great until I got to 39% and I got the following error:

gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/thread/build/gcc-4.8/release/link-static/threading-multi/future.o
gcc.archive bin.v2/libs/thread/build/gcc-4.8/release/link-static/threading-multi/libboost_thread.a
common.copy /home/andy/kicad_sources/kicad.bzr/boost_root/lib/libboost_thread.a
…updated 10859 targets…
[ 39%] No install step for ‘boost’
[ 39%] Completed ‘boost’
[ 39%] Built target boost
make: *** [all] Error 2

I know that the video mentions something about an error occuring around the same point during Chris’s attempt but I am struggling with figuring out how he corrected it.

Has anyone got any ideas???

Just so you know, I am install Kicad right after installing Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 so I don’t know if I have anything missing that needs to be installed prior to me running this script.
It did come up with a message about a mising lib, I think but I’ll have to scroll back to that point so I can copy the text and post it. I’ll do that after I post this.


Ok I just tried to scroll back up but it will only let me go so far. Bugger

See this thread for an alternative method to get the same version:

You will have a world of hurt trying to install it on 14.04. I also had the same issues. Some suggest 14.10 might be easier…

It should be easy enough to install on 14.04, just add the PPA [1].


I run 14.04 and what I did was:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:js-reynaud/ppa-kicad
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -V install kicad

This also sets me up with daily updates (if I care to update daily). Until KiCad releases come along, it’s the next best thing. All thanks to hard work of !

I got stuck at the same point with a new installation of Mint Linux 17.1. For me, installing the Boost library with

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

got me to a whopping 48% just to fail again.

I just restarted the script several times. It always progressed a little further. I think I fixed also some dependency related problem but sorry, I do not remember anymore what it was. Scroll the install log a little bit further back to see at which point the Error 2 first occurred to see which dependency it is related ito.

I checked again and I noticed the behavior you described: Every time I run the script, the build fails at a different step. So installing the boost libraries by hand may not help at all.

In the end, I didn’t get a successful build. I think I will stick with jwr’s solution using the js-reynaud/ppa-kicad repository for now, until the hickup with KiCAD, cmake, and wxWidgets_3.0.X has been fixed.

In my case I eventually got a working build. I think it took about four runs of the install script with probably one manually installed dependency/fix. I was installing on a virtual machine with a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 so there were many dependencies to be installed and updated.

You might also want to install:

sudo apt-get install libwxgtk-webview3.0-dev