While attempting to import an non-Kicad schematic generated by Eagle, I received a schematic editor error as follows:
The original file came from Adafruit’s github for one of their hardware products. I successfully opened the schematic with Eagle, made a change, saved the file to ensure it was produced by the Eagle version as indicated, below. Upon attempting to “Import/Non-Kicad Schematic…” I received the above error. I tried this sequence with multiple Eagle files from Adafruit with the same result. If need be, I can post the actual Eagle file as it’s in the public domain.
After that, both the schematic and the PCB imported in KiCad.
I also managed to crash KiCad a few times just after the import of the PCB. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I may put some more time into that.
More general:
I don’t particularly like these PCB’s for an HD44780 based around an I2C I/O expander. You need a lot of I2C traffic to get these things going, while the price difference between an I/O expander and a uC is negligible. With an uC you can also add keyboard multiplexing and and some other typical “front panel” functions, and then control the whole front panel of a project with either I2C or SPI,
Update. I tried a bunch of times but KiCad crashes a lot, and after a bit of fiddling and it does not crash, then the final result is the same error message that you get.
My workflow as sort of:
Clone the project from github.
Create a KiCad project.
Import the schematic (This looks OK).
Import the PCB (This also looks OK).
Save files and exit: KiCad is slow, often crashes.
Restart KiCad, attempt to open the schematic. KiCad responds with: