KiCad Custom Design Rules like Altium

An interface is definitely needed for Custom Design Rules. Kicad developers generally do these things by paying Kicad the features they want to have in Kicad, but the Custom Design Rule (like Altium), which is an absolute need for Kicad users, is always pushed to the background. If this feature were to come to Kicad, thousands of paid EDA-using companies and electronic hardware developers would switch to KiCAD, but this never happens.

Because of this situation, I decided to make a Custom Design Rule GUI plugin with Python. I want to contact people who can help me with this. Maybe we can develop this GUI together on Discord.

Is there anyone who can help with this?

This is a good idea. Although we haven’t had enough time yet to build this type of GUI directly in KiCad, it would certainly be helpful for some designers.

If you start to build this, let me know. I have some preliminary graphics that are meant to provide explainers for various custom rule settings and you are welcomed to use them.

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