Hi Guys,
I am new in here.I designed a pcb with kicad, and I drawed line add solder paste on my line.
Then I send to jlcpcb ,and They come to me.But they do not have solder mask on pcb.I draw solder paste line with F.paste and B.paste .Maybe you say my mistake?
Solder paste is only added when there is board assembly. And even them I’m not sure if they might remove open solder paste areas to save of paste. I tried adding solder to an exposed copper surface and I did not get much solder at all
Solder Resist ? You have a Solder Resist mask layer if you want Solder Resist, did you have a Solder Resist mask layer ?
Anything on this mask layer defines where Solder Resist will not be applied . . .
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Solder paste and solder mask are different things. Normally you do not need to draw on the solder paste layer, it is derived from the pads of the footprints. And solder paste layers are only needed if you are ordering assembly or a stencil.
If the entire solder mask layer is missing, you probably didn’t send it to them. You probably need to read this How does solder mask layer work?
There are a couple of JLCPCB plugins that will generate the appropriate layers and send it to their order page to make your life easier.
I want to say solder resist as proteus.
Ago I used to proteus with top and resist
ok, now I’m confused. I assumed you were asking about solder paste?
We are all confused with so little information. Maybe you should write a long description in your own language and put it through a translator to English.
Solder resist = solder mask, just a different name for the same thing.
I don’t have any references to cite for this but I suspect (and I may be very wrong), that Mask and Resist are not the same but have become to be considered the same.
The reason I think this ? a mask is something that controls the application of a layer/substance. It’s not the layer or substance itself . . . The layer mask is the negative of the Solder Resist so in my mind it is a true Mask layer and not the Resist itself.
As I said, I may be wrong, but in my mind it fits my reasoning and I wouldn’t be surprised to find that this is where the origin of the Mask term has come from.
I got my information for the FAQ article from the Wikipedia article which is linked to from the FAQ article.
It makes sense because mask masks the board/copper. It also resists soldering tin.