JLCPCB gives me warnings on .drill and edge cuts

My father built several items for the house with Heathkit when I was a kid. I specifically remember the furnace control, the doorbell, and a TV.

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Either way, the oval hole is probably going to be an extra, especially with these low cost fabs.

No, they do not incure extra. Provide required information as defined here and everything works out as advertised. They also provide exact information as to what layer data to furnish. Can only recommend jlc :+1:

I just placed the order. $23.37 for 15 boards. I paid a little more for faster shipping. Should have them in about a week.

That’s very useful information. I hadn’t found that anywhere on JLC’s website.
Is there a way to get them to use a particular starting value for their serial number? That way I could serialize all boards with a unique identifying number and know who purchased it from me and making warranty service easier.

They don’t serialize the boards, they put a job/order number on them. If you order 20 boards they’ll all have the same number.


I’m not sure if JLC puts serial numbers on your PCB.
Are you sure the’re not batch numbers?

For your personal identification you can put some identification resistors on your PCB. With an E12 range you have about 70 possibilities for each position, that would be 343000 combinations for just 3 resistors, and 24010000 with 4 resisistors.

Other possible ways to automate is to put some extra pads and a binary code of solder blobs, or drilling holes with a CNC, etc.

jlc ads in some semi random place ‘customer number, design count, date’

删除 layer alignment target。PCB板没发现问题。导出gber参数可以这样设置。

Thank you for those ideas. I’ve only just gotten back into design after 30 years away.
I do actually mean a number to serialize each board. This is a fairly small board (24mmx62mm), so there really isn’t room to add more parts. I may be possible to fit in some extra holes, but I would really rather place a unique serial number 6 digits long in the solder mask. Unless someone has done this before, I’ll need to contact JLC directly to determine if this is possible and how to set it up. I’ll try to remember to post about it if they can/will do it. May take a bit via email tag, though.

Those oval slots bottom right seem to be a wee bit too close to the edge.

Google translate gives me this:

delete layer alignment target. PCB board found no problems. Export gber parameters can be set like this.

I think that you mean that the alignment targets that I have outside of the board edge were causing the edge cuts layer warning. I’ll test this tonight.

I see these differences in the plot parameters:

Exclude pads from silkscreen

Excellon: PTH and NPTH in a single file
Drill origin: Absolute
Drill units: Millimeters
Oval holes mode: Use route command
Map file format: Postscript

I wanted the 3.5mm jack flush with the board edge. This put the pad very close. I should have searched for a different style of jack.

Boards have been produced. Scheduled for delivery on Friday. I’ll post pictures when I get them.

First a thank you for everyone that helped me get this board made.

The boards are good! Text is easily readable. I populated a board and powered up. Everything is working fine. The only error that I found was mine. I’d changed the value of the crystal load capacitors and forgot to update the schematic.

Also, I put JLCJLCJLC on the board. They didn’t put their production number there. I probably should have also left them a note explaining the JLCJLC.


Excellently done for your first semi-commercial run. :+1:

  1. You can indicate this location by adding the text of " JLCJLCJLCJLC " to silk layer, and then make a note about it when you place your order so that we notice it, or it maybe missed easily.
    Note: Just “JLCJLCJLCJLC”, No more or less characters. The font size should be larger than 0.8mm in height and 0.15 mm in width.
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