One thing that looks odd to me are the two circular nubs on the flanks of the 7404 gates, I don’t see these on any of the 74x04 symbols in the normal libraries. Where did you get that symbol from?
From the library given with kiCAD
Normally they are depicted as squares instead of triangles. I just modified the outline of the ports. Squares are not standard way to depict a NOT port.
However, the original squares had also these circles
Beside this, I would like do not go out of topic, and to understand how to solve the issue I have.
It"’ not only with that NOT ports. Are spread out in apparently “random” way.
Error text suggest me that 7404 pin 12 is not defined in library as Output.
But I’m not experienced user of ERC as my method to avoid its errors is to never, ever run ERC
I have recently installed 5.1.12 clearly (deleting AppData\Roaming\kicad). Now I opened symbol editor and in Filter I entered 7404. I found 7404 in 74xx_IEEE library having square symbol and Output defined as Input.
Sorry; This IS a kiCAD symbol.
It’s what I got searching for the 7404. I fully explained above.
The only one external library I have, is mine, but I have not the 7404 at all.
I have other stuff (INA163 for instance etc not these ICs at all)
Ah you modified a symbol from the older IEEE library that has hidden power pins instead of the current standard of a power unit. You did not tell us you had done this but in any case this led to you finding the error with the type assignment of pins. So it was worthwhile to query the anomaly.
If you want the usual triangular inverter use the 74LS04 symbol. In fact unless you are an antique junk, er chip, collector like me it’s more likely you have a LS or HC/T part rather than one from the original series. If you really do have the original 7404, just rename the chip name from 74LS04 to 7404 on the schematic.
I still fighting with the classical kiCAD issues …one day they will provide a solution for such
Never popped up. Now it did it.
Bridge rectifiers: same issue (in another schematics)