Ignored dimension of kind 8 (not yet supported)

Importing .PcbDoc from Altium I get the message “Ignored dimension of kind 8 (not yet supported)”, 5 times

What does it exatly mean ?
What have I to do ?

I can’t tell you exactly . . . but obviously there is a dimension type in Altium that KiCad doesn’t have an equivalent to/cannot resolve.

What you need to do is examine your layout and fix it so it is the same as you had in Altium. Yes it’s a manual process but usually quicker than starting from scratch . . .

there is an open issue on gitlab for this, which you can upvote:

if you could provide a minimal example with only this dimension, you could add it in the gitlab issue as in the code it’s currently unknown what type of dimension this could be pcbnew/pcb_io/altium/altium_parser_pcb.h · master · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

I understand but the project is quite complex (6 layers and high denisty), maybe I need days to exactly find the involved dimension(s)

Have you any suggested metodh ?

I would expect dimensions to be placed on a non-copper layer, maybe on soldermask layers or on mechanical once.

I found the reason of the error message “Ignored dimension of kind 8 (not yet supported)”
In my pcb design imported from Altium there are 5 ORIGINAL DIMENSION objects.
If I add a LINEAR DIMENSION I get no error message but with 5 ORIGINAL DIMENSION objects included in the design I get 5 errors.

I found ORIGINAL DIMENSION in Altium is created by Place-Dimension-Standard menu item

Moreover… the 5 dimensions are imported in KiCad and splitted in TEXT + LINEAR SEGMENTS


I reported your findings to the above mentioned gitlab ticket, if you could provide a minimal pcb with only this “original dimension” object the chance might be higher, it’s getting implemented in the kicad importer sometime

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Hi Stefan
I prepared the sample files but the forum tells me: SORRY, NEW USERS CANNOT UPLOAD ATTACHMENTS
Why are we always fighting with the world ???

It’s to hinder spammers and believe me we get quite a few of those. You can promote yourself by following these instructions.

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Sample files uploaded

sample_original dimension.kicad_prl (1.3 KB)
sample_original dimension.kicad_pro (8.3 KB)
sample_original dimension.kicad_pcb (7.4 KB)
sample_original dimension.PcbDoc (162.5 KB)