IBIS Simulation Errors During Netlist Generation


I made a simple IBIS model simulation using the IBIS_DRIVER_DIFF symbol linked to the Renesas hs1-26clv31rh.ibs model and it work perfectly. Then I copied it to a new project and linked the IBIS_DRIVER_DIFF symbol to a Renesas isl32614e.ibs model and I get an error when I click the simulator icon. The error popup says:

Errors during netlist generation.

Rising edge is longer than on time.
Falling edge is longer than off time.
Rising edge is longer than on time.
Falling edge is longer than off time.

Here’s an image:

I’ve run both .ibs files through the IBISCHK tool and no errors found.

I’ve attached the project:
sim-ibis-isl32614-simple.zip (449.0 KB)

Any ideas?



I have reported this as IBIS examples fail to simulate in 8.03rc1, were o.k. in 8.0.2 (#18143) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab in the issue tracker.

Should be repaired in 8.0.5.