I hope this forum gets momentum

Continuing the discussion from What kind of forum is this?:

Me too. Kicad deserve to be properly cared for.

I just dont hope it is just a new website in a long list there is “dead” For me that is one of Kicad problems. I dont understand why Kicad community don’t remove all the abandoned sites ?

But I am sure with @ChrisGammell and TheAmpHour fame it will get all the momentum it needs.

I appended the address to the beginning of the YouTube videos, I hope that continues to bring people into the community. Beyond that, I guess it’ll depend on people keeping this community welcoming, which I think can happen.

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I am sure that there are many newbies and would be new users of KiCAD who are have had problems with using the KiCAD libraries.

For Newbies, how about making a simple Component Schematic library with its corresponding Footprint Library which only has a Limited Selection of the most common standard Components (Not SMD) in Horizontal and Upright mount with no errors for newbies to familiarize one with KiCAD.
This should include the instructions of where to put these files (Libraries) when starting a new project so that they can be accessed by Kicad.

Suggested examples of components to include:

Various Resistors 1/4, 1/2 & 1 Watt (in Horiz & Upright Mount)
Various PCB Trimpots (in Horiz & Upright Mount)
Various sized & shapes of Polarized & Non-Polarized Caps (Radial & Axial).
Various standard DIP Sockets 4, 8,16 …pin.
Various Common Small Signal & Power Transistors (incl. Power Mosfets TO-247)
Various Common IC’s (Incl Timers (LM555), Bridge Rectifier
Power & Ground Symbols Gnd and Pwr.


P.S Please excuse me if this is not the correct place for this e-mail.