How to tell KiCad that a net is connected INSIDE a component?

I have a terminal block with 2 pads per terminal that have the same net. These are shorted as soon as the part is soldered to the PCB.
Now after finishing layout, I have one airwire left for this net. Is there another way apart from ignoring this and the DRC error?


At the moment, no. KiCad today considers a “net” to mean everything that is shorted together electrically by the PCB itself. Things that are only joined together by external things being soldered on are not one net. So, you either have to treat this as two different nets, or ignore the error.

In your case, I would put a track between the pins anyway, just to give protection against a bad solder joint.
This issue keeps coming up with TACT switches, that are frequently used as “hop overs” other tracks on single layer remote controls

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I don’t bemoan putting “redundant” tracks between internally connected pins on SPST tactile switches that have 4 pins for mechanical mounting. I haven’t had difficulty finding the PCB space.

This is similar to ICs having lots of power pins connected to the same net.
Try searching for “pin stacking” in the user manual.
I had the same issue some months back. See here:

Feel free to upvote (don’t comment) on this issue if this feature is important to you

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In case of IC I prefer to see each power pin. I connect them together, but capacitors I use one for pin I connect just to each pin.

Yes… we all have our preferences, I won’t go into my power pin ones.

But in this case, pin stacking would solve the issue elegantly.