How to move components with tracks connected?

Mod edit: moved from 9 year old thread

I am using version 8.0.7. I used earlier versions and had no problem. When I connect two pads on different components and then move one of them using the click and drag method, the etch does not move with it. In previous versions, I am pretty sure moving the component did not break the connection. It kept the etch attached to the pad on the moving component. Am I doing something wrong or do I have a problem with my set up? I checked the documents and it said I should use “D” to drag the component, but that did not work either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Seems to work OK for me. I am using 8.07 and dragging a resistor. Click on the .gif below.
Drag Resistor 12-10-2024a

OK, I assume I am setting something wrong on my computer. Do you have an idea as to where I should look? This problem is driving me crazy.

First: Do you know that the tracks are properly connected to begin with?

I used Licecap to produce that .gif. What sort of footprint are you dragging?

(I am not “the expert in the room”.)

Make sure you have selected the component and not a pad or the silkscreen outline.

I used to check for proper connection by moving the pad (component) around to see if the trace moved. I don’t know of any other way to verify connection. I guess from your comment, it looks like I am not making the connection. Is there a setting that says connect to the center of the pad? Am I setting up my parts in-correctly in such a way it prevents connection? Can they be set up that way? The footprints: U11 is an SOIC-8 and the resistor is an 0805 SMD. I had problems with all the part footprints. I removed KiCad and then reloaded it. I tried with a new project and different parts. Same problem. I sent a bug report in about it, but was referred to the forum. Is there an expert who can help with this?
Thanks for your help.

Selecting a pad and hitting D should be equivalent to selecting the footprint, the selection is “upgraded” to the thing that can be dragged.

Can you attach your board here?

Hot melt glue on the monitor? :slight_smile:

Yes, I tried both M and D and got the same result. I will have to look at the documentation to see if there is some set up I am not doing or has gotten crossed up. I used the default when I started up KiCad initially and for every project I worked on. This is something new as this is not my first PCB using KiCad.

I assume by “attach your board” you mean the project. Should I zip it up?

Yes, zip up the board and project file

This is how it looks for me.

Both on my board and existing board made by somebody who presumably knew how to use kicad.

What command are you using?

OK, I will attach it here. I also tried making changes to a PC board that I previously designed and ordered thru KiCad. The same problem appeared on it.
OK, I got a message that said new users cannot upload anything. Do you have an alternative method?

I am using the Select Items tool.

No command, just clicking on the body to select it and then moving it with the mouse.

M for move or D for drag. Need to use the D

I also tried the M command and the D command. Both led in the same results.

First make sure you select the footprint and nothing else.

Without typing M or D I do not move anything by dragging the mouse.

With M I move the footprint without dragging the tracks.

With D I move the footprint and drag the tracks.

Application: KiCad x64 on x64

Version: 8.0.7, release build

wxWidgets 3.2.6
FreeType 2.13.3
HarfBuzz 10.0.1
FontConfig 2.15.0
libcurl/8.10.1-DEV Schannel zlib/1.3.1

Platform: Windows 11 (build 22631), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

Build Info:
Date: Dec 3 2024 15:58:01
wxWidgets: 3.2.6 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.86.0
OCC: 7.8.1
Curl: 8.10.1-DEV
ngspice: 43
Compiler: Visual C++ 1939 without C++ ABI

Build settings: