How can I resolve this solder mask error?

Relax. We all started somewhere…:wink:


Looks like someone tried to be clever when that symbol was first designed and hid the two additional pins under the two you can select (I have Opinions on that) but for the sake of your design, I’d just go through and delete the extra pins (2 and 4) and then renumber the remaining pin number 3 to pin number 2. (Or just find a simpler switch symbol in the library)

As it currently stands, KiCad thinks you should have 4 pins, with pins 1 and 2 tied together and then pins 3 and 4 tied together. That’s why you can’t highlight the other pad in the footprint, it isn’t pin number 2, it is actually pin 3 or pin 4. You’ll also notice a line from pad 1 to pad 2 in the footprint where KiCad is trying to tell you that you haven’t connected things in the layout that the schematic says should be connected.

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By my reckoning, if you open two more forum topics and read four more posts, you will self promote yourself to “Basic” level, and consequently, no longer be a noob :grin: :boom: :champagne: :tada:

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Try a switch-symbol with only two pins.
Instead of the used SW_MEC_5G for instance:
SW_Push (the description says explicit “two pins”)


Thank you all so much for your infinite wisdom, it feels so good to run the DRC and be able to update the PCB from the schematic with no errors :rofl:

I did get a couple of overlapping courtyard errors but Google says this isn’t anything major to worry about as many of the footprints were set up with ‘OTT’ courtyards and to ignore the error to a certain extent…!

I was getting a bit close to the edge of the board and the drill hole so hopefully I can ignore these -

Thank you again everyone, this community is truly awesome and I’m honestly so grateful for all of the input and for everything I have been taught today. :heart:


You’re getting closer to “Basic” forum level.

Now you have spent enough time reading and read enough posts, but you still need to open and scan, for a short time, two more different threads/topics.

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As you mentioned that the solder mask appears to be applied correctly when checking the Gerber files in GerbView, it indicates that the issue might be related to the DRC settings or footprints within KiCad. I think you’d better review your gerber files. You can use PCBway Online Gerber viewer, for cross-checking:

Also, check if the solder mask pads in your footprints are properly defined and aligned with the component’s pads.

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