High amperage pcb and power distrubition

Hi everyone. Now i am working on submarine drone project. I am making magnetic relay and power distrubition circuit. My req is 24v, 60-80a. How can i design pcb for dont heat and dont fire.

Note: I distrubute power to 8 esc. My esc max amperage is 30a. My relay is 24v 80a relay.

Circuit: I use reed swicth, arduino nano, relay, and 8 esc. i connect reed swicth to arduino nano. and create arduino relay circuit with using my 24v 80a relay. When i send data to relay it will work. It will open and close whole system. And when it is open it will distrubute power to 8 esc and will give two 5v output.

If you can help me on designing or give sources (website, youtube video etc) I will be very faithfull :slight_smile:

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