Hifi Passive filters

Got it !!! I have to enter the values and connectors for each speaker

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Make your J1 connector look nicer by selecting it and mirroring around the Y axis with the X key.

Ok. Really it’s the first time i succeed in scheme… I was searching to enter my footprints… Entering them while the scheme is done is enventually easier i think…

Next step : enter the footprints for each component ?

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Yes, that’s the next step. Now, you might like to think about how you connect your speaker - although you placed a speaker SYMBOL, you don’t necessarily have to actually place a speaker in your design - you probably actually want a two pin connector that you are going to connect your speaker to. You can add a footprint for such a connector. Remember the schematic is a abstraction of the physical design.

As @John_Pateman comments:

Your PCB will not have the speaker on it. Your PCB will have a connector that will connect to wires that will attach to the speaker; so, according to your hand drawn schematic, the PCB will have:
An input connector, some inductors, capacitors and resistors, all followed by an output connector. That is all, for the schematic and the PCB.

You will probably have a different overview Schematic that shows: the input to the filter, the filter (represented by a box) and the output, with the wires and speaker. This overview schematic does not have a PCB.

Yes. Thank you. I’m gone to put 2 pins connectors i’m used to.
Now i’m gone to try jmk’s technique for the footprints. The toughest part i think… as the components are custom…

By placing the components and now right clicking to search the print i accessed the library that has got footprints that suit my components… in fact, no more difficulties…

That looks the good way… hope the inductors have the same footprints library…

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Do you write from other PC than you run KiCa. If not than why you just not get screen-shot to past it into your post.

At Windows I am pressing Shift+PrtSc - screen copy is ‘somewhere’.
I run IfranView or Gimp and the Ctrl+V and I have these screen copied into program.
Then I cut rectangle I want and save it as png file in my TMP directory and then use it in my post.

yes you’re right for the screenshot…

i’ve spoken too fast. No footprint corresponding exactly for my components…

I’ve succeeded. In fact i create custom footprint from the scheme… Create a new library to store my components…

Nothing really too complicated… But i always started the bad way… Thank you for your advises.

Now i hope i could create holes in the PCB to fix the air coil with collars…

Is it possible after editing all the footprints and make the PCB ? Will it be possible ?

Now i hope i could create holes in the PCB to fix the air coil with collars…

You could look in the ‘Mechanical’ library for MountingHoles. You can just add them to the PCB - although if you do that you have to be slightly careful if you update the PCB from the schematic as you can delete them if you don’t pay attention to the options. You can put the Mounting Holes in the schematic to avoid this.


Hi to all.
Got this right now…
My terminals are too little for the wires. I’ll have to chage the footprint to fit the 15 AWG wires.

Now i have to make paths from all this mess… Let’s try !!!

Is that OK ?
Blue paths for back PCB if i understand ? To me that looks ok.

Now trying to put holes to fix the air coils.


Use thicker tracks, much thicker, especially as this is a low impedance circuit. All that wasted copper.


By spending a couple of minutes opening and looking at four other threads you can promote yourself so you are able to post more than one image at a time if you wish. See this FAQ.

There are also FAQs on personal library management that may also be of use in the future.

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Two images done in different times. Couldn’t post them together.

I know i have to make borders to define the size of the PCB. Will check this.

Then i’ll export to a gerber file. If no other step.

Right ?

Not only much thicker tracks, as @retiredfeline recommends, but much larger pads. There appear to be some large components that, in the interest of robustness, could do with more copper for anchoring. Also check your wire diameters on the components and make sure the holes in the pads are large enough to fit the wires.

I’ve put 1.2 mm holes for capacitors, and 1.5 mm holes for the inductor, that has 15 awg wire. I think that’s it.

I’ll put holes around the inductors to fix them on the PCB