Hifi Passive filters

15AWG has a diameter of 1.45mm, so you’re going to struggle to get that in a 1.5mmm hole. Increase the hole size to 1.7mm to make your life a lot easier. It will be a lot easier to solder, too.

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Got it !!! Thank you

This has morphed into “Project” help rather than KiCad specific so have changed the category . . .

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I’d like to thank you guys for the help. I’ve succeeded in making the PCB i wanted to do. Exact footprints…

The step i missed was beginning with generic components for scheme… I used to start trying to enter my custom components but that was not the good starting… It’s really simple this way.

So thank you. truly.


When I was in college I made my own speakers for the dorm room. I had a couple of woofers from somewhere; probably ordered from a catalog. Also some polystyrene planar speakers for midrange and some sort of tweeter.

I cut a big round hole in the base of inverted plastic trash cans and mounted the woofers face up in that. The planar speaker hung off the side. My crossover inductor was (If I remember) 170 turns of hookup wire on a piece of steel rod. I do not remember what I did to highpass the tweeter input.

Needless to say, this was all audiophile perfection!!! :crazy_face:

Maybe my filters would have better been classified as “failive”? I am sure that the plastic trash cans must have had great acoustic properties.

You mean “Polymer resin enclosures with infinite baffle”, right?

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