I am facing some issues with IL300 simulation model.
I’ve downloaded the SPICE model from the official site and edited it to simplify my understanding.
Diode Model for LED
.MODEL LED_MAIN D(IS=1.51E-16 N=1.495822 RS=2.624361 BV=5 IBV=1U CJO=15P VJ=1 M=0.5 EG=1.424 TT=500N)
I’ve also created a symbol based on the model’s pin declaration
But the problem is when I am adding the model from the file, the Model dropdown shows nothing.
If I press OK with the model empty it doesn’t load.
When I again open the Edit Simulation Model it throws an error
and Kicad crashes.
I’ve also tried some other SPICE models from different vendors. But they show some models in the dropdown.
I have also tried this solution but nothing helped.
I’m very new to the kicad8 ngspice simulation.
Where I’m doing it wrong? Help!
Replace the LTSPICE F source (using ‘value’) by a B source. I will check if this can be done automatically in a future ngspice version.
VV1 is used to measure the current through the LED. This is then coupled to the photodiodes by controlling the diode current. In your version there seems to be no coupling. There seems to be no limit to the output voltage in the Vishay model when the optocoupler is run with output open, somewhat weird indeed.
Put the model (and only the model) into a file and attach it to the symbol.