GND Copper fill top layer and pad connections

I am noobie to kicad and following some tutorial to build attached layout.
I could not understand why there are lines (circled in yellow color) connecting to edge of filled zone to pads which are connected to GND?

@ChrisGammell is a member here and it is his tutorial. Perhaps we can summon him up for you. I watched this a while ago. Without the working model in front of me to turn off the ground plane and zoom I’m not sure what’s going on.

I believe it is an issue that shows up in legacy canvas on Macs, see this thread:

Does it go away if you switch to OpenGL canvas (press F11 to switch to OpenGL, F9 to switch back to Legacy).

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We had a similar question a while back. I think the resolution has been that this is a rendering artefact on Mac.

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Thank you for quick reply and I am amazed to know that I am following tutorial from a member of kicad community.

Oh great, opengl rendering mode fixed this issue but text for pad name and net name is too tiny to read now (please see attached image).

If there are issues on MacOSX, I hope windows VM would be great for kicad!

Thank you all for quick resolution. There is great community support for kicad and now I am confident to go ahead with kicad for all my pcbs.

I think this is the video where he connected and extra pin to ground so be careful if you actually build the circuit. :wink:

…all part of the magic, right? :smiley:

I actually had a request to do GTB in the OpenGL canvas, might give that a shot this week.