Are these lines in the copper pour normal?

Hey there,

I am adding a copper pour to my board and it seems to have a bunch of lines (slightly darker red than the pour) running across from components to the left edge of the pour (see image). I’m not sure if this is a problem but I wonder why it’s happening as videos/screenshots I’ve seen don’t have this. I’d love it if someone could shed some light on this!

version of KiCAD?
What canvas are you using?
A screenshot of the copper fill settings?

This has been present for quite some time on my machine.

I suppose that this is a bug. I couln’t find any search result, please search and create a new one here:

Steps to reproduce I far as I can tell:

  • Add vias
  • Create filled zone
  • Switch to “Show outlines of filled areas”

The horizontal lines will then appear, connecting some vias to the left side of the board.

Both the OpenGL and Legacy canvas are affected.

Ubuntu 14.04 trusty

Application: kicad
Version: 4.0.2+e4-6225~38~ubuntu14.04.1-stable release build
wxWidgets: Version 3.0.2 (debug,wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,GCC 4.8.4,wx containers,compatible with 2.8)
Platform: Linux 3.13.0-85-generic x86_64, 64 bit, Little endian, wxGTK
Boost version: 1.54.0

I am on OSX and PCBnew V4.0.2-stable

A screenshot is below. I assume this is just a visual bug and won’t affect the produced board in any way…

This apparently only happens with the default canvas for me, which is a shame becasue the others look kind of fuzzy :frowning:

It sounds like a task that you really shouldn’t have to do, but after the board is complete I always bring it up, layer by layer, in a Gerber viewer I trust and do a careful visual inspection. It’s been quite a while since I found any errors in the translation from layout software to Gerbers but it boosts my confidence that what gets fabricated is what I want.


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Okay, thanks everyone. Will stop worrying :smile:

I have seen similar behavior with video displays from other PCB layout software, though I don’t recall seeing it with video images rendered by KiCAD. Viewing the affected portion of the board at different levels of zoom magnification may give a clue as to whether you’re looking at something real, or an artifact of the video rendering process. In one case from the distant past, severe streaking suddenly showed up on copper pours in the middle of a project. Somehow, we traced it to a change in video display drivers. Reverting to the previous driver fixed the problem.

Similar behavior seems to be fairly common when I “PRINT” a hardcopy image - at least it is with the inexpensive inkjet printers I commonly use. I get better results if I “PLOT” the image to a *.pdf file then print from the *.pdf.

When artifacts like that show up on either a video rendition, or a printed copy, it undermines your confidence that the fabricated board will meet your expectations - and rightly so. Hence I follow the practice I previously mentioned, carefully inspecting the Gerber files before handing them off to the board house.


I have the same issue in 4.0.5 on a Mac. I placed the pour to declutter my screen of rats nest wires for GND. I guess I can turn the fill completely off. Default canvass. Doesn’t appear to be an issue for the Pcbnew manual or tutorials such as Contextual Electronics “Getting to Blinky 4.0.”

If it’s in legacy canvas only don’t expect it to be ‘repaired’ ever as the OpenGL one is taking over as the only canvas as soon as it’s got most features working.