Footprint (e.g. testpoint) with "exclude from BOM" behavioural questions

I have been starting to investigate (v7.0.7 ubuntu) why testpoints appear in the BOM list. The suggested “similar” topic Exclude from BOM' fabrication attribute gives a partial answer. When the footprint is designed with exclude from BOM in the library (most testpoints), this property is not maintained when update from schematic is done. I discuss whether this makes sense. But apart from this, I also encounter problems when I try to reset this property via update footprint (see below, bullet 2).

  1. update from schematic:
    Testpoint symbols may be associated with a real footprint or not. It’s okay that the part is not excluded by default. But when the used footprint itself is virtual, its “exclude” property should (logically?) be dominant over the schematic property.

  2. (workaround) update all testpoint footprints in Layout prior to generating BOM from Layout:
    This works when the Update/reset fabrication attributes, but… only when I tick another option that results in the Output Message “OK”, e.g via the update option Update/reset text sizes, styles and positions (in my case, the silk text size had been made smaller by global edit).
    Because of this, momentarily it is more efficient to manually remove the .csv (excel) line that contains all testpoints…

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