I hope this is the right place to ask.
I’m introducing Kicad to a group of highschool students participating in a First robotic challenge"
The teachers did not know about KiCad and it’s possibilities. But the response was extremely positive, and the students already started looking at the app.
At first, we will use Schematic and symbol library for the interconnection of all the components, as well as a structure to keep all the related datasheets and drawings.
With time we will start them on desighning PCB’s.
My question:
Has anybody done a symbol library for the parts available from Andymark the online supply store for the competition components?
Most components are National Instruments or
My goal is to help the students to create a structured project that will improve their design skillset.
But this is a fairly big undertaking at first, so if anybody has leads to help save time, by not reinventing the wheel, it would be greatly appreceated.