Export simulation data in Raspberry PI 4

Hello everyone!
I’m working on a Raspberry pi 4 and it has a different ARM Cortex-A72 architecture, it is compatible with software which works on armhf architecture.
So, i read the ngspice documentation and i have read this topic:

I have tried to implement the code which holger suggested to the OP.
On my system it would be look like this or something similar, maybe i made mistake, because sadly i’m not a linux or raspberry pi or Kicad expert.

So my “code” looks like this:

.tran 1m 800m
*wait until simulation is finished
set controlswait
*cd into a file that has write access
cd /home/pi/Downloads/behav_counter_ste/Logdata
*set output format for cvs
set wr_vecnames
set wr_singlescale
option numdgt=7
*data to csv file
wrdata skey.csv “/staircase”

But when i ran the simulation then i dont get any data into the /home/pi/Downloads/behav_counter_ste/Logdata file and the simulation gives back the error message:
Current directory: /home/pi
Error: no such vector “/staircase”

In the Kicad it looks like this:

I feel like i’m missing something and i make stupid mistakes.
Could you please tell me or suggest me anything what can i do to export data from simulation in to a file in linux based system?

Thank you for listening!

Best regards,

One idea: The above command will not generate the directory, but just switch into an existing directory. So try to manually make the directory before running the simulation.

Unfortunately, i made a directory by hand so the Logdata is an existing directory, so the problem sadly is not with that, but thank you for mentioning that.
Best regards,

Sounds like the 3rd to last post in that thread you linked might be the cause?

This tells you that the vector (as a result of the simulation) is not available.

The command ‘display’ before ‘wrdata’ will tell you what vectors you have.

This bug will be fixed in ngspice-33. So for now your path should be named


You may also try skipping command cd and give the full path to wrdata, which already now should aknowledge upper and lower case letters.

Thank you all help!
It seems this code worked for me on Raspberry PI 4 in raspbian OS (if anyone in the future try to make something similar):

.tran 500m 7.5
*wait until simulation is finished
set controlswait
*set output format for cvs
set wr_vecnames
set wr_singlescale
option numdgt=7
*data to csv file
wrdata /home/pi/behavcounter/logdata.csv V(OPAMPOUT)

in Kicad it looks like this:

Run the simulation:

The output csv file:

Maybe this is an offtopic question, but is it able to run simulation via Python script?
I was thinking, Kicad using ngspice, and the simulation generate the simulated signals,values from the sch file.
Is it a possible way, to run the simulation from Python script, generate the simulated values and export them to a csv file like in Kicad?

Best regards,