Hello i’m a new kicad useer and i’m trying to simulete a series RC circuit. I Made sure to put THE ground, source, connect every pin correctly and when i try to simulete it, it says “Error vector not found” what can i do to fix this? I also Made sure to make THE steps on THE simulación Windows and STILL nothing. IF anyone can help me i would appreciate it very much
May I suggest to have a look at my tutorials at KiCad Eeschema as GUI for ngspice, tutorial for setting up the simulation and https://www.youtube.com/@holger8105/videos ?
If problems remain, you will have to give much more information, to receive a concise answer:
- KiCad version
- A sreenshot of your circuit
- A text copy of the error message issued by the simulator
- A text copy of the SPICE netlist
- Ideally a zip file containing the complete project