ERC connection error type 2

Hi everybody
I am designed a 5v and 3.3v power supply circuit.
I build every component schematic lib…
Everything is but after ERC run lots of green arrow flags are highlighted.
Please provide information about fix this error.

Sorry for missing spell
"Everything is going well "

How can we say something or point your issues when we don’t have your project?

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Ok send u later:neutral_face:

please check project…

How to fix ERC error?

This is the screenshoot. Not a project.
We need: project (.pro), schematic (.sch) file(s) and libraries used (if you have your own libraries, including -cache.lib file).

BTW. This is the Eeschema full ERC codes and possible solutions to fix them:

Type        Description                        How to solve
ErrType(1)  Duplicate sheet names within       Reveiew sheet names in hierarchy and remove
            a given sheet                      duplicates
ErrType(2)  Pin not connected and not no       Check the pin and wire overlaps or place "No 
            connect symbol                     connect" symbol if pin should left unconnected
ErrType(3)  Pin connected to some others       Place "PWR_FLAG" symbol and connect it to the power
            pins but no pin to drive it        wire which raises this error
ErrType(4)  Pin connected to an other pin:     Two pins connected but their function needs
            warning level                      complementary signals (for ex. input -> output)
ErrType(5)  Pin connected to an other pin:     Two pins connected but their function are in
            error level                        conflict (for ex. output -> output)
ErrType(6)  Mismatch between hierarchical      There is mismatch beetwen hierarchical label and
            labels and pins sheets             existing pin scheet, try to re-import hierarchical
                                               pins to replace wrong pin sheet
ErrType(7)  A no connect symbol is connected   "No connect" symbol shoud be put at the end of the pin,
            to more than 1 pin                 and this pin shuld be left unconnected in any means
ErrType(8)  Global label not connected to      There is a global label which has no pair in other
            any other global label             sheet(s)
ErrType(9)  Two labels are equal fir case      Review schematic labels to find possible duplicates,
            insensitive comparisons            watch for similarity of large and small letters
ErrType(10) Two global labels are equal fir    Review global labels in hierarchy to find possible
            case insensitive comparisons       duplicates, watch for similarity of large and small

Which DRC error? All we can see is red arrows, which could be anything.

At a guess, red flags are power output/output conflict errors. I would suspect CN24 has pins set to “power output”, which conflict with gnd symbol, for example.

D2 and D4 also could be two connected outputs.

In general there must one and only one output on a net. But we need to see the errors list.

ETA: your bridge rectifier doesn’t look right to me, are you sure you have grounds in right places?

Joined the two topics into one, sorry for a moment of confusion for ya all :slight_smile:

The bridge is correct.

As I deduced from the title of the thread, the ERC reports a plenty of ErrType(2). This would indicate problems in connections through the “wire overlaps”. Note that you can not see the grid in the screenshot. So, it is either switched off, or the pitch is very small, which could have caused such a state of things.

But rather the problem lies in poor design symbols. Who knows if the pins of CN25, CN24 and cathodes of D1-D4 do not have the attributes “Power Output”. KiCad users use various tricks to get rid of PWR_FLAG…

I think Bobc meant the dual grounds that presently short D3 arm.
ie Needs left-most ground removed.

Yes, I think there is a clue in the Pin6 arrow position, but strange is that on my eeschema, I get red-circles and green boxes on not-connected pins / incorrectly overlapped wire ends…

Thanks for reply
send next week i busy for my job
once again thanks for ur cooperation.

Obviously the guy is a novice and reporting partial information. Type 2 is no connect error and has green flags. He probably fixed those, then got type 5 error and red flags due to output conflicts. If you look at the ERC table, you see that output and power output in any combination produce an error.

I’m pretty sure the bridge is wrong, I don’t see how it would work like that.

It is wrong.
I see this a lot due to people using simulators, which tend to crash with a floating power source. A high value resistor to ground keeps things converging

EASY AVR-cache.lib (6.0 KB)

EASY AVR.erc (113 Bytes)

EASY AVR.kicad_pcb (51 Bytes)

EASY (1.3 KB)

EASY AVR-cache.lib (6.0 KB)

EASY AVR.bak (13.1 KB)

EASY (2.1 KB)

EASY AVRn.erc (113 Bytes)

EASY AVR.sch (14.0 KB)

As I said before:

Read the ERC report and fix pin functions in your symbols. Watch the original KiCad libraries how to properly design symbol graphics and symbol pins.

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but i designed regarding to user manual instructions.
but, may be i maid error in pin functions that i not selected carefully.
Ok I am trying to do .

one thins i am forgot i dont know where is schematic DRC function tab.
I watched video tutorial a guy is creating .sch lib. but on linux platform not on windows .
please let me know where is DRC function switch on kicad…