LOCATION: Sub-dialog “Simulation Model…” in Symbol Properties.
The problem is lack of independence of pin assignments and SUBCKT names of A an B devices of a part. Changing device A pins and MODEL name changes device B pins and name the same way, whereas they should not interact.
6-pin complementary MOSFET part DMC2053UVT is in the 8.0 default library. Its schematic has A and B devices, which are a N-channel and a P-channel device, respectively. D G S pins are 6 1 5 and 2 3 4, respectively. No obvious problem found with the symbol.
From Diodes, Inc. I downloaded a “Dual MOSFETs.spice.txt” spice model file, which I shortened to “Dual MOSFETs.spice”. I tried to use this entire file, but there was a formatting error in an irrelevant part, so I copied the existing DMC2053UVT_N and DMC2053UVT_P definitions to a separate file “DMC2053UVT.spice”, containing two .SUBCKT 's:
.SUBCKT DMC2053UVT_N 10 20 30
.SUBCKT DMC2053UVT_P 10 20 30
That model text is reproduced at the bottom of this description.
The A and B devices of the symbol are identified correctly in the Properties. However, setting device A pin assignments and model name sets device B the same way. Setting B conversely forces A to look like B. So the complementary pair cannot be defined properly and of course has no chance of simulating properly.
Either I don’t understand how to setup the sub-devices of a part, or there is a serious bug.
Spice model file “DMC2053UVT.spice”, complete:
*---------- DMC2053UVT Spice Model ----------
.SUBCKT DMC2053UVT_N 10 20 30
M1 1 2 3 3 NMOS L = 1E-006 W = 1E-006
RD 10 1 0.01959
RS 30 3 0.001
RG 20 2 3.61
CGS 2 3 3.675E-010
EGD 12 0 2 1 1
VFB 14 0 0
FFB 2 1 VFB 1
CGD 13 14 5.2E-010
R1 13 0 1
D1 12 13 DLIM
DDG 15 14 DCGD
R2 12 15 1
D2 15 0 DLIM
.MODEL NMOS NMOS LEVEL = 3 VMAX = 5.378E+005 ETA = 0.001 VTO = 0.9393
+ TOX = 6E-008 NSUB = 1E+016 KP = 37.46 U0 = 400 KAPPA = 10
.MODEL DCGD D CJO = 2.015E-010 VJ = 0.7935 M = 0.6
.MODEL DSUB D IS = 3.075E-010 N = 1.17 RS = 0.03137 BV = 26 CJO = 5E-011 VJ = 0.6 M = 0.748 TT = 3.4E-009
.MODEL DLIM D IS = 0.0001
.SUBCKT DMC2053UVT_P 10 20 30
M1 1 2 3 3 PMOS L = 1E-006 W = 1E-006
RD 10 1 0.04439
RS 30 3 0.001
RG 20 2 8.47
CGS 2 3 3.947E-010
EGD 12 30 2 1 1
VFB 14 30 0
FFB 2 1 VFB 1
CGD 13 14 7.7E-010
R1 13 30 1
D1 13 12 DLIM
DDG 14 15 DCGD
R2 12 15 1
D2 30 15 DLIM
.MODEL PMOS PMOS LEVEL = 3 U0 = 400 VMAX = 1E+006 ETA = 0.001
+ TOX = 6E-008 NSUB = 1E+016 KP = 28.79 KAPPA = 19.32 VTO = -0.919
.MODEL DCGD D CJO = 4.315E-010 VJ = 0.6 M = 0.7569
.MODEL DSUB D IS = 1.86E-008 N = 1.276 RS = 0.06967 BV = 27 CJO = 7.361E-011 VJ = 0.6 M = 0.6276 TT = 4.2E-009
.MODEL DLIM D IS = 0.0001
*Diodes DMC2053UVT Spice Model v1.0M Last Revised 2018/2/5