Digital Spice Simulator

Dear All,

I am trying a first simulation with KiCad and logic gates.
I downloaded the library of 74LS00 and tried to create a circuit.


I always get the error message:
Dot command ‘.probe alli’ and digital nodes are not compatible.
Evtcheck_nodes: Auto bridging is switched off but node probe_int_net-_u1-pad1__xu1_1 is mixed-type.
Error: circuit not parsed.

How can I proceed? with standard DC circuit it works
please help!!

In KiCad 7.99:

Inspect → Simulator → Ctrl+N (opens New Simulation Tab):

Uncheck the tick boxes of ‘Save all currents’ and ‘Save all power dissipations’.
In digital mode the currents and power cannot be simulated. Checkbox ‘Save all currents’ directly involves the ngspice dot command ‘.probe alli’.

Open all existing simulation tabs and do the same.