Custom shape to pcb cutouts

Hi, I need PCB with below shape. It’s on edge.cuts layer, converted to polygon.
But in preview in 3D I have error: kicad board outline is missing or malformed.
Kicad 9.
How to resolve?


Well, there is graphic/board repair under tools that should fix this.
But that semicircle should be redrawn to ensure it is valid.

Run DRC to see the locations where the lines don’t join up.

No errors in DRC.
From tools menu I’m used repair tool - nothing changed… :frowning:

Are you importing the semicircle from outside? PCB editor has a native arc drawing tool.

No, I’m drawing in kicad semicircle and lines. Then convert to polygon, next in properties turn off fill od sets line width to 0,05mm. Next View 3D.

I never used the convert to polygon step for my edge cuts. Or changed the line width since a cut has zero width.

What is your ultimate goal and what system do you have and Kicad version.

I could be mistaken . . . but a polygon is a filled shape, you don’t want that. You want a contiguous outline without any overlapping segments . . . make sure the end of one line lines up with the start of the next and make sure you don’t have any segments that are duplicated and overlapping.

While your workflow to convert your shapes into a polygone is not necessary (the edge cuts shape can persist of single lines + arcs, the only requirement is: it must be closed shape) it still should be possible to have a polygone as edge.cuts shape. So either you are doing something wrong with the conversion to the polygone or you have stumbled over a bug.

To get more information:

  • first read and follow this FAQ article to promote yourself to the next user level, which allows you to attach a example project and more pictures: New Member Information
  • please attach a picture of the “create polygone from selection” dialog with the used settings
  • it would be useful if we get two example projects:
    • first the original project with only lines + arcs/circles on the board
    • and a second project with the state after you have done the conversion to a polygone and all your modifications (fill disabled, linewidth set)