Custom rules for tuning patterns

Could you please provide some guidance on setting rules for the diff tuning objects ?
I expected that it would be a type, but couldnt work it.
IE improve on this (syntax error)
IE of c ourse, it is not MeanderLine but I felt that something would have matched an object

(rule "dp meander"
(layer outer)
(condition " A.NetClass == 'DP' && A.Type==' MEANDER???? ' ")
(constraint Min_Spacing ( 1.0mm))
(constraint Max_Amplitude ( 10.0mm))
(constraint Min_Amplitude ( 1.0mm))
(constraint Corner_Radius_% (100))
(constraint Tuning_Mode == 'Differential pair' )
(constraint Rounded ))

I don’t think tuning patterns can be controlled by custom rules right now. It seems like a reasonable feature request. You can change the defaults for them on a per-board basis in Board Setup but not per netclass at the moment.

Hi Jon, but they are in the documentation as available (I didnt make them up ) :slight_smile:
Jon, when its changed in Board Setup, it doesnt seem to stick
The only way I could get Min Spacing to hold was put into the diff meander line and then select properties and change it there. (K8RC2)

@Flash_Packets redo your diff pair meander lines with min spacing = 1mm. they wont work like you have them- you’ll end up with 2:1 delays and dispersion lines.

Well, I am not familiar with it, maybe @dsa-t can comment. There is no registered Type for tuning patterns so I don’t think you can include them in the condition.

We’re also getting really off topic here so I’m going to move these posts to a new thread.

These show up in the list of properties in the docs, but properties can only be used inside expressions. In other words, you could theoretically write an assertion test that the Min_Spacing property is greater than some number, but:

  1. this doesn’t actually work right now, because assertions don’t check tuning patterns (I guess this one is probably not hard to fix)
  2. this will check that the settings of the tuning pattern are set a certain way. It won’t check that the resulting generated tracks are a certain way. I’m not sure which one you are going for
  3. Such an assertion rule won’t cause new tuning patterns to be created with the desired settings. For that we would need to create new constraint types, I think.

OK, so it is a test, not a control.
Thanks for the clarification.
Yes, agreed on constraint types. That all makes sense as I couldnt find it (the meander) as a type.

Even when I set spacing in Board Setup, it seems to ignore it.
Like other object controls, this needs to get into the rules.

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